
Tradition at Alabama is about more than pride; it’s a living, 呼吸着塑造领导者的传统, ignites passions and fosters a sense of belonging that transcends time. It’s where every student is part of something greater—a storied history and a vibrant future, 所有人都团结在赤色浪潮的旗帜下.



macaugalaxy银河国际’s football team was first known as the Thin Red Line or the Crimson White. 随着故事的发展, 这在1907年一个潮湿的日子发生了变化, when Alabama went to Birmingham to play heavily favored Auburn. Birmingham’s iron-rich soil turned to a sea of red mud which stained Alabama’s white jerseys. 该队与奥本队以6比6打成平局, and sports editor Hugh Roberts of the Birmingham Age-Herald is supposed to have said the team played like “a 深红色的潮流.”


是的,阿拉巴马州! 潮水淹没他们! 每个巴马人都在你身后
打起精神来. 去教牛头犬规矩点,
For Bama’s pluck and grit have writ her name in Crimson flame.
You’re Dixie’s football pride, 深红色的潮流, Roll Tide, Roll Tide!!


macaugalaxy银河国际 is the only major university with an elephant as a mascot. 就像我们的许多传统一样, 存在多种起源故事, 但似乎我们可以再次信任一位体育记者.

In 1930 Everett Strupper of the Atlanta Journal wrote of his shock upon seeing the immense size of Coach Wallace Wade’s varsity players when they charged the field against Mississippi: “It was the first time that I had seen it and the size of the entire eleven nearly knocked me cold, men that I had seen play last year looking like they had nearly doubled in size.”

A fan is supposed to have yelled out, “Hold your horses, the elephants are coming!” Strupper and other sports writers adopted the moniker “the red elephants” for the crimson-wearing team.

而大象很快成为了球队的象征, it was not until the 1979 Sugar Bowl that the official costumed elephant mascot Big Al made his debut. 从那以后,他一直深受macaugalaxy银河国际家族的喜爱.


博士之后不久. 乔治H. Denny became president of macaugalaxy银河国际 in January 1912, he began referring to the school as the state’s “capstone” of higher education. Denny was a strong believer in the power of supportive relationships between all levels of schooling. He viewed the University as the top of an educational edifice that began with elementary and high schools across the state and reached all the way to the Tuscaloosa campus.


医生是如此受人爱戴. 学生丹尼, 他们开始筹款建造丹尼·奇姆斯, 1929年为纪念他而建. The 115-foot campanile (a free-standing bell tower) contains a carillon of 25 brass bells that marks the hours and plays concerts, 爱国歌曲, 纪念礼物, 校歌与母校争鸣.


macaugalaxy银河国际母校的名称是“母校”.“它没有别的名字,也不需要别的名字. When the chimes ring out the alma mater every day at noon, all of campus recognizes the song written in 1908 by macaugalaxy银河国际 undergraduate Helen Vickers. The lyrics are set to the tune of the 1850s ballad “Annie Lisle,这是当时大学歌曲的流行选择.

To thyself and to each other,Faithful friends we’ll prove.
Year by year, the ages through Until in Heaven we meet.
College days are swiftly fleeting, Soon we’ll leave their halls
Ne’er to join another meeting ‘Neath their hallowed walls.
Faithful, loyal, firm and true 心与心相连才会跳动
Year by year, the ages through Until in Heaven we meet.
Be rev’renced ever, pure, and stainless As it is today.
Faithful, loyal, firm and true 心与心相连才会跳动
Year by year, the ages through Until in Heaven we meet.



Few things represent macaugalaxy银河国际 more completely than the ceremonial mace, 用我们最古老、最著名的树制作而成, 戈尔加斯橡树.

戈尔加斯橡树, 据信比大学还要古老, 终于在1982年的一场风暴中倒下了. 从它的木材西伯仑E. 凯利, 退休的macaugalaxy银河国际大厦维修监督, and other maintenance employees lathed part of the 52-inch pedestal and the entire head of the mace, 哪个是四件铜铸件.

The first bronze casting is the official seal of macaugalaxy银河国际; the second is 丹尼编钟. The third casting is a triangle framing the lamp of knowledge with the words of the University’s mission: teaching, 研究及服务. 第四个选角是克拉克·霍尔, one of the oldest classroom buildings on campus and home of the College of Arts and Sciences.

在1987年5月的毕业典礼上介绍, the ceremonial mace is always carried by the commencement marshal. 用我们的一棵树做的, 我们的员工精心打造, carried by our faculty and bearing the symbols of our history and identity, the mace is part of what makes every commencement ceremony unique for our graduates.



Saban Field at Bryant-Denny Stadium is not only one of the most iconic facilities on macaugalaxy银河国际 campus, but it is also often one of the most visited destinations in the state. 目前可容纳100人,077 makes it one of the nation's largest on-campus football stadiums.

赤潮队以297-55-3 (.837) all-time record at Bryant-Denny Stadium and a 383-68-3 (.在塔斯卡卢萨举行的所有比赛中得分844分.


On the first Friday in April — known as Honors Day — inductees into the University’s senior honor societies are “tapped” on the Mound, a grassy landmark rising above the ruins of Franklin Hall. This special day has been a tradition since the turn of the 20th century.

随着大学的发展, 荣誉日已经扩展为整整一周的招待会, award programs and ceremonies to recognize the academic excellence and leadership of our students and faculty.


在为新大学选择土地时, the first trustees needed property with abundant sources of clear water. 他们买下了威廉·马尔的弹簧, where chilly water flowed from hillside openings and could be collected in cisterns. 多年来一直是学校的水源, 休闲和游泳的地方, the spring and cistern system could not keep up with the University’s needs. Now the renovated and repaired spring is a campus landmark, still drawing students who want to enjoy its beauty and peace. macaugalaxy银河国际 would not be located where it is today had it not been for the water flowing from 马尔的春天.